Friday, March 2, 2012

Gilbert Riparian Perserve

If you have to be stuck in the city, there are still places you can find to connect with nature. I love going to the Gilbert Riparian Preserve. A while back I had the chance to go while some bird rescuers were there with some awesome birds. Here are some of the pictures.
These guys are the regulars you can see there anytime.

Illumination in the Flatwoods

I wish kids today could spend more time outdoors. Actually, not just kids. We all benefit from connecting with nature. As I taught science, it seemed the kids who had spent time in the woods, and in the deserts, and playing at the river or lake understood concepts better. The trouble with teaching science in a classroom is trying to make it an authentic experience.
I met my husband 2 and a half years ago. We both loved being outdoors. I loved hiking and camping and learning about nature. Biology has always been one of my favorite subjects. My degree is in biology and I loved my classes in college. My husband is an engineer and an avid hunter. As we dated and got married we have spent hours and hours in the outdoors together.
I find it funny how much "biology" I learn from him as we look for wild turkey tracks, enjoy watching a herd of antelope on the move, or stop to see a rare Gila monster on the side of a back road. He would tell me about how he talks to turkeys. I kind of laughed a little until I watched him communicate with a young turkey hen we came across while scouting one day. She was feeding and got scared as we pulled up in the truck. My husband, Ammon, made a few little noises on his mouth call and she calmed right down and kept feeding with in about 20 feet of the truck.
The other day Ammon came across this video of Joe Hutto, wildlife artist and naturalist, and his experience hatching and living with young wild turkeys as their "mother." We loved the video so we checked out the book, Illumination in the Flatwoods. I'm really enjoying it so far. I feel like I'm hanging out with Joe and his turkeys in the woods as they hunt for insects and interact with the mule deer. I can't wait to get back to the book.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Love your library

Last year our first baby was born just after the school year ended. Together, my husband and I decided I would stay home with him. I treasure the little moments and am so grateful for the opportunity to hang out with my new little buddy! One thing I loved about teaching was that I was learning every day. Also, if there was a book, CD, or DVD I wanted I could run to the Barnes and Noble or Target and pick it up. On one salary that's not so easy anymore. So here are today's reasons for loving my library!
1--I can get books and resources to keep myself learning without having to spend a lot of money. Here's to my NON-FORMAL education. Up until the Christmas before Hyrum was born(when I finished my thesis and finally graduated from ASU) I had always been in school and working. I love school and learning, but now I love that I get to pick what I learn! From gardening books to work-out DVD's and Dr. Suess books to country songs, the library is my go to place!
2--Work out DVDs -- no more fancy gym membership or expensive trainers. My new favorite is from the Biggest Loser crew, The Biggest Loser at Home Challenge. I love that it has a warm-up, 2 cardio and 2 strength segments and a cool down. There is a menu where you can customize your workout, picking what segments you want to do. So one day I do the whole video and the next I run and want 10 minutes of stregth... no problem. I get 10 minutes with Bob after my run.
3--Recently published books. One of my current instrests is couponing. My walking buddy loves and suggested I read their book, "Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey." I had to request it and wait about a week or so. I have always loved books, but always had a hard time sitting down to read them cover to cover. This year my goal it to read one book each month. It's mid February and I'm halfway through my 4th. You would think a book about couponing might not be all that interesting, but this one is great! Heather Wheeler and Joanie Demer pack the book full of helpful info while keeping you interested with cute comics and personal stories that make them feel like friends you've known for awhile. I especially appreciated the end where they talk about finacial freedom. honestly it was empowering. Thanks ladies! The first two images are from my library, the Queen Creek Branch of the Maricopa Community Library District.